BattleBit Remastered: Update 2.1.9

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Update 2.1.9 is an update that was released on October 8th, 2023 for BattleBit Remastered.


This update brings a brand new map, Weekly Challenges reward changes, networking improvements, bug fixes, and additional QoL changes!




This new playspace finds players taking part in an Invasion on an Alaska-inspired biome, with key locations like Power Stations, Shelter and Port. Overall, this map was designed with Infantry gameplay as the primary focus, while still offering combined arms combat. [1x1 km map]

  • Coastline (South) is best suited for close quarters and mid-range fire fights. Infantry will find plenty of cover from the Port area to Town.
  • Inland (North) is where players will find success with mid to long range weapons like DMRs and Snipers, while also serving as a battleground for armored vehicles. Open fields and elevation changes will grant stronger sniper capability.
  • Between Power Plant and Town you'll notice a small bomb shelter. Utilize it to cross the area safely and avoid exposure to enemy snipers.


  • The remaining time for weekly challenges will now be displayed on the weekly challenges panel.
  • Brightness settings will now adjust the screen's brightness instead of applying gamma.


  • Weekly challenge XP reward bonus increased to 250,000xp from 100,000xp.
  • Improved networking for packet loss recovery.
  • Prioritized networking packets for hit registration.
  • During bandaging, players cannot switch their target (self or friend) once bandaging has begun, unless they are bandaging another teammate who then moves away.


  • Fixed a bug that caused server crashes after an extended period.
  • Fixed an unintended blue filter on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where grenades sometimes dealt damage through walls.
  • Fixed a UI bug where users were shown the option to bandage another player even when the latter was out of reach and nonbandage-able.

There is a hotfix planned for deployment on October 9th, that will fix some known issues and bring additional updates.