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Claymore is a gadget in BattleBit Remastered.


The claymore is a tripwire bomb which will explode if shot at or the wires are tripped by an enemy. The explosion will damage all players, including teammates that may have been in the blast radius.

The claymore will not despawn upon death of the player. There is a limit of 4 claymores that a player can have planted at the same time. When planting a fifth claymore, the first one will despawn.

Upon early access release, claymores did not have a deploy limit. As a result, players could fill entire buildings or fields with claymores that did not despawn upon player death. This was fixed in version 1.8.1 to limit it to 4 claymores at a time.


Deployed claymores will have two extended wires that trigger detonation if the wires are interrupted in any way or the claymore is shot. The explosion radius of the claymore is centered around the front (direction of the wires), but it does do considerable damage behind the claymore as well. When shooting claymores, maintain a respectable distance away from it.

One of the best locations for claymores is next to a window. An enemy player will often not be able to see the claymore before vaulting inside. As the vaulting animation is fixed and cannot be interrupted, the enemy will trigger the claymore as a result and almost certainly perish.

Bushes can also make for excellent claymore locations, especially on darker maps, since they can hide the claymore wires incredibly well.

Staircases also make for great claymore locations as they are usually high-traffic areas and the limited visibility when going around a corner results in difficulty spotting claymores.

Another, albeit less practical, way of detonating a claymore is breaking a wall that a wire is connected to.