Category:Light Machine Guns

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Light Machine Guns, shortened to LMG, are heavy, high-capacity, fully-automatic weapons. They are exclusive to the Support Class.


LMGs are one of two weapon categories unique to the Support Class, the other being Light Support Guns. There are two LMGs available in-game; the M249 and the Ultimax 100. Both sport high ammunition capacities, low to moderate recoil, average firerate and moderate damage. As a trade off, they also feature poorer handling characteristics such as long reload times, slow aim speed, poor mobility, and poor hipfire performance.

LMGs are best employed from defended positions overseeing key objectives, chokepoints and or longer sightlines. They are great for anchoring down these areas, their high capacity and controllability ideal for such defensive use. They will lose out to more nimble, faster-firing weapons in close-quarters such as Submachine Guns and Carbines. Whilst LMGs are not optimal for overtly aggressive strategies, they can be employed in some offensive role. LMG users can aid in capturing objectives by providing suppressive or covering fire for teammates pushing further forwards. This requires LMG users to have good positioning, map knowledge and awareness.


Light machine guns (LMGs) are defined as fully-automatic weapons capable of sustained automatic fire with rifle cartridges, that are portable and operable by a single user with or without assistance, as an infantry support weapon. They are typically fed via an ammunition belt or high-capacity magazines. The term originates from when prior to the First World War, armed forces sought to effectively 'lighten' the machine gun to be used in infantry assaults by an individual solider.

(View template)Weapons
Automatic Rifles AK74 · M4A1 · AK15 · F2000 · SCAR-H · AUG A3 · SG550 · FAMAS · ACR · G36C · HK419 · FAL · AK5C
Designated Marksman Rifles MK20 · M110 · MK14 EBR · G3 · SVD
Submachine Guns MP7 · UMP-45 · PP2000 · PP19 · Kriss Vector · MP5
Personal Defense Weapons Honey Badger · Groza · P90
Carbines AS Val · ScorpionEVO
Light Support Guns L86A1 · MG36
Light Machine Guns M249 · Ultimax100
Sniper Rifles SSG 69 · SV-98 · L96 · Rem700 · M200 · MSR
Pistols M9 · MP 443 · USP
Automatic Pistols Glock 18
Heavy Caliber Pistols Unica · Desert Eagle · Rsh12
Primary Gadgets Binoculars · C4 · Claymore · M320 Smoke Grenade Launcher · Anti Personnel Mine · Anti Vehicle Mine · Suicide C4
Secondary Gadgets Heavy Ammo Kit · Small Ammo Kit · Medic Kit · RPGs · Riot Shield · Sledge Hammer · MDX 201 · Grappling Hook · Air Drone · Pickaxe
Throwables Flare · Flashbang · Frag Grenade · Impact Grenade · Smoke Grenades
Attachments Sights · Suppressors · Rangefinder · Laser Sights · Flashlights · Barrels · Magazines · Bolts · Grips

Pages in category "Light Machine Guns"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.